
More realism to path-based testing

Aug 2024: We are working on a new web application with collections of real-life path-based testing models, including a generator of artificial models. We plan to open the model datasets to the research community and invite the researchers and engineers to contribute with their models to create unified benchmarks that can be used for more realistic comparisons and further evolution of path-based testing techniques.

DeepMBT: Next Generation of Model-based Testing Techniques with AI

In July 2024, we started a new research project with the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Passau, focused on more effective Model-based Testing methods, namely handling constraints in test path generation and inference of SUT models. The project is funded by the Inter-action Czech-Bavarian research cooperation schema in the Inter-excellence program.

PhD positions opened!

We are looking for PhD students interested in the fields of Model-based software and IoT testing, test automation and formal verifications of SW and IoT systems.


Will AI replace human testers?

With the current development of ChatGPT and language models, many testers ask - is AI going to take our jobs? What about in a 10-year horizon? Miroslav Bures will give a few thoughts about this topic on March 27th at TestCrunch 2024, Brno.

AR-RESCUE: Let the first responders see through the walls

Jan 2024: We are starting the new project AR-RESCUE, aiming to improve situational awareness of the First Responders and CBRN units during rescue missions. The project utilizes body and environmental sensors to give the unit members a compact picture of the situation in specialized augmented reality hardware. Three-year cooperation with the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering CTU, University of Defence, (Quanti), and DefSec IH will deliver a prototype of the gear that will make the rescue missions more effective and safer in the future.

Constrained Path-based Testing - more power to test paths

Jun 2023: Path-based testing formally expresses one of the essential approaches in system testing - sequencing actions to be taken in a System Under Test. Motivated by industry demand, we now explore defining constraints in the path-based testing problem model, to give this technique more power. We go beyond the "test requirements" concept as well as positive constraint types, as explored in Data-flow Testing.

Future Forces 2022

How can sensor networks and vital signs monitoring help in civil and military medicine? Miroslav Bures will discuss this technology's capabilities at the Medical Conference of the Future Forces 2022, September 20th, Prague.

FutureMED 2022: Advanced technologies in civil and military medicine

We participate in the organization of FutureMED 2022, a conference dedicated to advanced technologies in civil and military medicine. This year we can look forward to experimental telementoring of simulated surgery in combat conditions via 3D satellite transmission and other presentations of innovative healthcare technology projects.

Researching the methods to increase human resilience

We cooperate on the technical part of data collection in the, a medical project at the University of Defence investigating the influence of selected techniques and methods to improve sleep quality and increase the resilience of the human organism. The project primarily focuses on the armed force members; however, the outcomes will apply to the general population. We are looking forward to this project's results!

Cyber-Security for the Maritime Industry Special Issue

We welcome you to submit your manuscripts to "Cyber-Security for the Maritime Industry", special issue of Information journal. Submission deadline is 30 June 2022.

Emerging and Disruptive Technologies in Defence Systems

We participated in the Czech Armed Forces workshop dedicated to using artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, robotics and other emerging disruptive technologies in the innovations of the current defence systems.

Teresa 2.0 going live soon

We are just in the middle of alpha tests of the upgraded software part for the TERESA (TeleREhabilitation Self-training Assistant) project. Using this infrastructure, our colleagues from University Hospital Hradec Kralove, Palacky University Olomouc and the University of Defence are soon starting another controlled study with 80 patients, this time not only for post-COVID-19 but also for COPD, asthma bronchiale and interstitial lung disease.

Award for extraordinary performance during the COVID-19 crisis

Karel Frajtak from our lab was awarded a CTU medal for extraordinary performance during the COVID-19 crisis. The rector of CTU recognized Karel for the development of the HistoryLab system, helping in distance education during recent lockdowns. system handed over to the future production run

An innovative e-learning system HistoryLab for the education of historical topics for which we created the core software part was handed over to the National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic, to be included to the broader portfolio Dejepis+ supporting this field of education.

DTA project on the NATO TV

A B-roll film about our Digital Triage Assistant (DTA) project was recently released on the NATO Multimedia portal. Footage explains the project and includes scenes of a simulated attack showing soldiers wearing prototype devices. A more dynamic edit of the footage is available on the British Armed Forces Daily channel.

NATO Innovation Network Conference

NATO Innovation Network Conference is going to take place on Nov 9th 2021. Looking forward to this exciting event and our participation in the academia-defence cooperation panel!

DTA project field tests

Sep 2021: We took part in an exercise of the Faculty of Military Health Sciences of the University of Defence in the military training area Tisá. The exercise included field tests of a prototype of the Digital Triage Assistant (DTA) system, discussions with experts in the field of military medical rescue and tests of equipment related to the DTA project.

Teresa project in media

Overview of the post-COVID-19 syndrome, including the Teresa project aiming to help patients that have respiratory problems in disease aftermath, broadcasted in the Czech public TV channel evening news CT1 Udalosti, from 30:45. More details about the project in the recent interview in Czech public radio channel Cesky Rozhlas Plus or in the Cesky Rozhlas Radiozurnal reportage from the University Hospital Hradec Kralove (in Czech).

IoT system to help COVID-19 patients

The pilot run of TERESA (TEleREhabilitation Self-training Assistant) project was successfully finished, helping the first group of COVID-19 patients that have respiratory problems in the subacute phase of the disease. We are currently adding more interaction with patients to the software part to increase its effect further.

DTA in media

Some brief information about the Digital Triage Assistant (DTA) project was recently broadcasted in the Czech public news TV CT24 (Daily news, from 19:18, and Studio CT24, from 17:44) as well as Czech public radio channel (Cesky Rozhlas Plus, from 15:48).

Sensor network for combat casualty care

We cooperate with Johns Hopkins University, the University of Defence, the Czech Armed Forces, the NATO Allied Command Transformation Innovation Hub and the DefSec Innovation Hub on a system to assist in the treatment of wounded soldiers in combat situations or in crisis situations in which the Armed Forces assist the First Responders.

Virtual Reality in Tactical Training of Airport Security

How can virtual reality be used in tactical and operational training of airport security? Our student Filip Bursik explores these options in his master thesis in cooperation with the Prague Airport. We are looking forward to the outcomes of this interesting project!

Our group is renamed to System Testing IntelLigent Lab

Considering our recent focus on testing of a variety of systems, spanning from complex software to electronics, IoT and mission-critical systems, we renamed our research group from Software Testing to System Testing IntelLigent Lab.

Cognitive Warfare: Battlefield of Tomorrow

We cooperate on ideathon “Hack the Mind. Hack the Brain. Help Us Understand”, organised by DefSec Innovation Hub in collaboration with NATO, Czech Armed Forces and other partners. The event focuses on the actual topic of cognitive warfare and use of modern technologies in it. If this topic belongs to your research interests, we warmly welcome you to participate in this ideathon with your input!

QASM'21 (track of ACM SAC 2021)

We co-organize the QASM'21: ACM SAC track on Quality Assurance and Software Mining, part of The 36th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing, March 22-March 26, 2021, Gwangju, Korea. This year, the scope of the track is extended more towards software testing methods and test automation. We welcome you to submit a paper to our track!

Model-based Testing Proof-of-Concept for Skoda Auto

May 2020: Skoda Auto is cooperating with our lab on the PoC of automated generation of test scenarios for car tests. In this project, we use the latest MBT methods to automate the generation of complex state-machine based test cases, which are then performed by car testing teams.

Scientific Programming Special Issue

We welcome you to submit your manuscripts to Code Analysis and Software Mining in Scientific and Engineering Applications, special issue of Scientific Programming journal (IF 1.28). Submission deadline is Friday, 10 January 2020.

AI in military IoT applications

Miroslav Bures participates in the workshop Artificial Intelligence in Military IoT Applications, October 11th 2019, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague

CASM'20 (ACM SAC'20 track)

STILL group co-organizes the CASM'20: ACM SAC track on Code Analysis and Software Mining, part of The 35th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing, March 30 – April 3, 2020, Brno, Czech Republic.

PatrIoT framework used for Red Hat AMQ integration testing

A joint project of Red Hat and STILL, the PatrIoT integration test automation framework for IoT systems, is being successfully applied to automate core integration tests for Red Hat AMQ product. AMQ serves as communication infrastructure for number of IT an IoT solutions in various businesses.

Test strategy for rescue mission management system

Our lab cooperates on test strategy and automated test design in a project developing a prototype of the new generation system for planning and managing rescue missions conducted by the Police of the Czech Republic and Mountain Rescue Service.

The NASIA network

Our research group is now a member of the Network for Anomaly Detection and Incident Management in IoT Environments.

Future Vision of Testing

Feb 2019: STILL group hosted the ISTQB Academia workgroup session dedicated to the Future Vision of Testing, including topics such as AI in testing or IoT systems reliability.

We have moved

Our lab is growing, so we have moved to a new office space. Now we are located in rooms 221-222 in the CTU FEE campus on Karlovo namesti (building E).

STILL contributes to Electrolux IoT test automation framework

Our lab cooperates with Electrolux on the development of their innovative test automation framework for integration testing of smart appliances. In this project, we follow the vision of automating both principal phases of tests: test design as well as execution of the tests.

CIT Module for Avocado Test Automation Framework by Red Hat

Our lab develops new Combinatorial Interaction Testing (CIT) Module for Avocado Test Automation Framework developed by Red Hat. Repeating the same test script with various testing data combinations is effective test automation pattern, and this capability of the innovative Avocado framework is now further increased.

Oxygen 2.0 beta released

Dec 2017: New version of Oxygen Model-based Testing platform released, including simplified UML Activity Diagram as SUT model and new Prioritized Process Test (PPT) algorithm.

STILL helps Electrolux to identify IoT testing optimization opportunities

In a joint project of our lab and Electrolux, the leading provider of smart home appliances, our lab does a comprehensive analysis of Electrolux IoT testing processes and suggests their enhancement and optimization opportunities.

RedHat talk on Spectre/Meltdown security issues

24.1.2018, 14:00 Red Hat Open Source Lab, E228
Presentation explaining Spectre/Meltdown CPU security issues and options of fixing them.

Quality Assurance System for Internet of Things Technology

From January 2017 we are starting a four year TACR project „Quality Assurance System for Internet of Things Technology“ in cooperation with Red Hat Czech Republic.