Selected publications - 2024
Impact journal papers
Melchizedek Alipio, Carl Christian Chaguile and Miroslav Bures. A review of LoRaWAN performance optimization through cross-layer-based approach for Internet of Things. Internet of Things, vol. 28, 101378, Elsevier, 2024.
Bayram, F., Ahmed, B. S., & Hallin, E. (2024). Adaptive data quality scoring operations framework using drift-aware mechanism for industrial applications. Journal of Systems and Software, 217, 112184.
Melchizedek Alipio and Miroslav Bures. A Cache-Aware Congestion Control Mechanism using Deep Reinforcement Learning for Wireless Sensor Networks. Accepted in Ad Hoc Networks, Elsevier, 2024.
Alipio, M., & Bures, M. (2024). Current Testing and Performance Evaluation Methodologies of LoRa and LoRaWAN in IoT Applications: Classification, Issues, and Future Directives. Internet of Things (Elsevier), volume 25, 101053.
International conference papers
Klima, M., Bures, M., & Blaha, M. Ant Colony Optimization Based Algorithm for Test Path Generation Problem with Negative Constraints. In 2024 IEEE 24th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS), IEEE, 2024, pp. 701-712.
Daoud, F., Bures, M., David, Z., & Syrovatka, P. Evaluating the Impact of Combinatorial Interaction Testing on Test Automation: A Case Study from Industry. International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering, Springer, 2024, pp. 85-99.
Herabad M. G., Taheri, J., Ahmed, B. S., & Curescu, C. Optimal Placement of Edge-to-Cloud AR/VR Services with Reconfiguration Cost. 17th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, Sharjah, 2024.
Ahmed, B. S., An Adaptive Metaheuristic Framework for Changing Environments, 2024 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2024, pp. 1-10.
Herabad, M. G., Taheri, J., Ahmed, B. S., & Curescu, C. (2024). Optimizing Service Placement in Edge-to-Cloud AR/VR Systems using a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm. In 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2024).
Selected publications - 2023
Impact journal papers
Klima, M., Bures, M., Ahmed, B. S., Bellekens, X., Atkinson, R., Tachtatzis, C. and Herout, P. Specialized path-based technique to test Internet of Things system functionality under limited network connectivity. Internet of Things, 100706, 2023.
Silhavy, R., Bures, M., Alipio, M., & Silhavy, P. (2023). More Accurate Cost Estimation for Internet of Things Projects by Adaptation of Use Case Points Methodology. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 10(21) , pp.19312-19327.
Alipio, M., & Bures, M. (2023). Intelligent Network Maintenance Modeling for Fixed Broadband Networks in Sustainable Smart Homes. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 10(20), 18067-18081.
Alipio, M., & Bures, M. (2023). Deep Reinforcement Learning perspectives on improving reliable transmissions in IoT networks: Problem formulation, parameter choices, challenges, and future directions. Internet of Things, 23, 100846.
Hindy, H., Tachtatzis, C., Atkinson, R., Brosset, D., Bures, M., Andonovic, I., ... & Bellekens, X. (2023). Leveraging siamese networks for one-shot intrusion detection model. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 60(2), 407-436.
Bayram, F., Aupke, P., Ahmed, B. S., Kassler, A., Theocharis, A., & Forsman, J. (2023). DA-LSTM: A dynamic drift-adaptive learning framework for interval load forecasting with LSTM networks. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 123, 106480.
Chahed, H., Usman, M., Chatterjee, A., Bayram, F., Chaudhary, R., Brunstrom, A., Taheri, J., Ahmed, B.S., & Kassler, A. (2023). AIDA—A holistic AI-driven networking and processing framework for industrial IoT applications. Internet of Things, 22, 100805.
Bayram, F., & Ahmed, B. S. (2023). A domain-region based evaluation of ML performance robustness to covariate shift. Neural Computing and Applications, 1-23.
Garrett Parker, Samuel Kim, Abdullah Al Maruf, Tomas Cerny, Karel Frajtak, Pavel Tisnovsky and Davide Taibi. Visualizing Anti-Patterns in Microservices at Runtime: A Systematic Mapping Study. IEEE Access, 2023.
International conference papers
Klima, M., Bures, M., Kubisova, M., & Herout, P. (2023). Open Benchmark Testbed to Evaluate Effectiveness of Path-based Tests. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW) (pp. 126-130). IEEE.
Rahal, M., Ahmed, B.S., Samuelsson, J. (2024). Machine Learning Data Suitability and Performance Testing Using Fault Injection Testing Framework. In: Engineering of Computer-Based Systems. ECBS 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14390. Springer.
Chaguile, C. C., Alipio, M., & Bures, M. (2023). A Classification of Cross-Layer Optimization Approaches in LoRaWAN for Internet of Things. In 2023 Fourteenth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN) (pp. 259-264). IEEE.
Firas Bayram, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Erik Hallin, and Anton Engman. 2023. DQSOps: Data Quality Scoring Operations Framework for Data-Driven Applications. In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE '23). ACM, 32–41.
Das, D., Islam, R., Kim, S., Cerny, T., Frajtak, K., Bures, M. and Tisnovsky, P. Analyzing Technical Debt by Mapping Production Logs with Source Code. In SDSC 2022, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1725, Springer, 2023.
T. Holek, M. Bures and T.Cerny. Review of Open Software Bug Datasets. Accepted in World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, Springer LNNS, 2023.
Selected publications - 2022
Impact journal papers
Miroslav Bures, Katerina Neumannova, Pavel Blazek, Matej Klima, Hynek Schvach, Jiri Nema, Michal Kopecky, Jan Dygryn and Vladimir Koblizek. A Sensor Network Utilizing Consumer Wearables for Telerehabilitation of Post-acute COVID-19 Patients. IEEE Internet of Things, 2022.
Q. Alsarhan, B. Ahmed, M. Bures and K. Zamli. Software Module Clustering: An In-Depth Literature Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 1905 - 1928, 2022.
Vaclav Rechtberger, Miroslav Bures, Bestoun S.Ahmed and Hynek Schvach. Novel Strategy Generating Variable-length State Machine Test Paths. Accepted in the International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2022.
Matej Klima, Miroslav Bures, Karel Frajtak, Vaclav Rechtberger, Michal Trnka, Xavier Bellekens, Tomas Cerny and Bestoun S. Ahmed. Selected Code-quality Characteristics and Metrics for Internet of Things Systems. IEEE Access, 10, 46144-46161, 2022.
Miroslav Bures, Vojtech Ripka, Karolina Buresova, Karel Frajtak, Jiri Maha and Kamil Cinatl. An Innovative E-learning Support for Modern History Distance Learning and the Experience During the COVID-19 Lockdown. Sustainability, 14(6), 3631, 2022.
Mia E. Gortney, Patrick E. Harris, Tomas Cerny, Abdullah Al Maruf, Miroslav Bures, Davide Taibi, Pavel Tisnovsky. Visualizing Microservice Architecture in the Dynamic Perspective: A Systematic Mapping Study. Accepted in IEEE Access, 2022
A. Chatterjee and B. Ahmed. IoT anomaly detection methods and applications: A survey. Internet of Things, 2022, 19 1-17.
Hanan Hindy, Christos Tachtatzis, Robert Atkinson, David Brosset, Miroslav Bures, Ivan Andonovic, Craig Michie, Xavier Bellekens. Leveraging siamese networks for one-shot intrusion detection model. Accepted in Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 2022.
International conference and reviewed journal papers
Vaclav Rechtberger, Miroslav Bures, Bestoun S. Ahmed. Overview of Test Coverage Criteria for Test Case Generation from Finite State Machines Modelled as Directed Graphs. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW), pp. 207-214, IEEE, 2022.
Elochukwu Ukwandu, Mohamed Amine Ben-Farah, Hanan Hindy, Miroslav Bures, Robert Atkinson, Christos Tachtatzis, Ivan Andonovic and Xavier Bellekens. Cyber-Security Challenges in Aviation Industry: A Review of Current and Future Trends. Information. 13(3), 146, 2022.
Vaclav Rechtberger, Miroslav Bures, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Youcef Belkhier, Jiri Nema and Hynek Schvach. Prioritized Variable-length Test Cases Generation for Finite State Machines. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW), pp. 11-20, IEEE, 2022.
Miroslav Bures, Pavel Blazek, Jiri Nema and Hynek Schvach. Factors Impacting Resilience of Internet of Things Systems in Critical Infrastructure. Accepted at IEEE AIIoT 2022.
Ben Farah, Mohamed Amine, Elochukwu Ukwandu, Hanan Hindy, David Brosset, Miroslav Bures, Ivan Andonovic and Xavier Bellekens. Cyber Security in the Maritime Industry: A Systematic Survey of Recent Advances and Future Trends. Information, 13(1), 22, 2022.
Selected publications - 2021
Impact journal papers
Hanan Hindy, Robert Atkinson, Christos Tachtatzis, Ethan Bayne, Miroslav Bures and Xavier Bellekens. Utilising Flow Aggregation to Classify Benign Imitating Attacks. Sensors, 21(5), 1761, 2021.
Bushong V., Abdelfattah A. S., Maruf A. A., Das D., Lehman A., Jaroszewski E., Coffey M., Cerny T., Frajtak K., Tisnovsky P., Bures M. On Microservice Analysis and Architecture Evolution: A Systematic Mapping Study. Applied Sciences. 2021, 11(17):7856.
M. Kader, K. Zamli a B. Ahmed. A systematic review on emperor penguin optimizer. Neural Computing and Applications. 23/2021, 1-21.
International conference and reviewed journal papers
Miroslav Bures, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Vaclav Rechtberger, Matej Klima, Michal Trnka, Miroslav Jaros, Xavier Bellekens, Dani Almog, Pavel Herout. PatrIoT: IoT Automated Interoperability and Integration Testing Framework. Accpetped at The ICST'2021 Testing Tools Track.
Matej Klima, Miroslav Bures. A Testing Tool for IoT Systems Operating with Limited Network Connectivity. Accepted at the WorldCIST 2021, Springer AISC.
Miroslav Bures, Matej Klima, Vaclav Rechtberger, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Hanan Hindy, Xavier Bellekens. Review of Specific Features and Challenges in the Current Internet of Things Systems Impacting their Security and Reliability. Accepted at the WorldCIST 2021, Springer AISC.
Dipta Das, Abdullah Al Maruf, Rofiqul Islam, Noah Lambaria, Samuel Kim, Amr S. Abdelfattah, Tomas Cerny, Karel Frajtak, Miroslav Bures, and Pavel Tisnovsky. 2022. Technical debt resulting from architectural degradation and code smells: a systematic mapping study. ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review 21, 4, pp.20–36 , December 2021.
Selected publications - 2020
Impact journal papers
Miroslav Bures, Miroslav Macik, Vaclav Rechtberger, Pavel Slavik and Bestoun S. Ahmed. Testing the Usability and Accessibility of Smart TV Applications Using an Automated Model-based Approach. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 66(2), 2020, pp. 134-143.
Michal Trnka, Jan Svacina, Tomas Cerny, Eunjee Song, Jiman Hong and Miroslav Bures. Securing Internet of Things Devices Using The Network Context. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16(6), 2020, pp. 4017-4027.
Hasan, Imad H., Bestoun S. Ahmed, Moayad Y. Potrus, and Kamal Z. Zamli. Generation and Application of Constrained Interaction Test Suites Using Base Forbidden Tuples with a Mixed Neighborhood Tabu Search. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 30(03), 2020, pp. 363-398.
Tomas Cerny, Jan Svacina, Dipta Das, Vincent Bushong, Miroslav Bures, Pavel Tisnovsky, Karel Frajtak, Dongwan Shin, Jun Huang. On Code Analysis Opportunities and Challenges for Enterprise Systems and Microservices. IEEE Access, 8, 159449-159470, 2020.
Ukwandu, E., Farah, M.A.B., Hindy, H., Brosset, D., Kavallieros, D., Atkinson, R., Tachtatzis, C., Bures, M., Andonovic, I., Bellekens, X. A Review of Cyber-Ranges and Test-Beds: Current and Future Trends. Sensors, 2020, 20, 7148.
International conference papers
Miroslav Bures, Matej Klima, Vaclav Rechtberger, Xavier Bellekens, Christos Tachtatzis, Robert Atkinson and Bestoun S. Ahmed. Interoperability and Integration Testing Methods for IoT Systems: a Systematic Mapping Study. SEFM 2020: Software Engineering and Formal Methods, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 12310, Springer, pp 93-112.
Miroslav Bures, Pavel Herout and Bestoun S. Ahmed. Open-source Defect Injection Benchmark Testbed for the Evaluation of Testing. Accepted at the IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST) 2020.
Jan Richter, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Miroslav Bures and Cleber R. Rosa Junior. Avocado: Open-Source Flexible Constrained Interaction Testing for Practical Application. Accepted at IWCT 2020, part of the IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST) 2020.
Bestoun S. Ahmed, Angelo Gargantini and Miroslav Bures. An Automated Testing Framework For Smart TV apps Based on Model Separation. Accepted at INTUITESTBEDS2020, part of the IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST) 2020.
Vaclav Rechtberger, Miroslav Bures and Bestoun S. Ahmed. Alternative Effort-optimal Model-based Strategy for State Machine Testing of IoT Systems. WSSE 2020: Proceedings of the 2020 The 2nd World Symposium on Software Engineering, ACM, pp. 141-145.
Krystof Sykora, Bestoun Ahmed and Miroslav Bures. Code Coverage Aware Test Generation Using Constraint Solver. Software Engineering and Formal Methods. SEFM 2020 Collocated Workshops, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 12524, Springer, pp 58-66.
Hanan Hindy, Ethan Bayne, Miroslav Bures, Robert Atkinson, Christos Tachtatzis and Xavier Bellekens. Machine Learning Based IoT Intrusion Detection System: An MQTT Case Study. Accepted at 12th International Network Conference (INC2020).
Matej Klima, Vaclav Rechtberger, Miroslav Bures, Xavier Bellekens, Hanan Hindy, Bestoun S. Ahmed. Quality and Reliability Metrics for IoT Systems: A Consolidated View. Accepted at 5th EAI International Conference on IoT in Urban Space (Urb-IoT 2020), Springer.
Selected publications - 2019
Impact journal papers
Miroslav Bures, Bestoun S. Ahmed, Employment of multiple algorithms for optimal path-based test selection strategy, Information and Software Technology, Volume 114, 2019, pp. 21-36.
Bestoun S. Ahmed, Miroslav Bures. EvoCreeper: Automated Black-Box Model Generation for Smart TV Applications. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 65(2), pp. 160-169, 2019.
Bestoun S. Ahmed, Angelo Gargantini, Kamal Z. Zamli, Cemal Yilmaz, Miroslav Bures, Marek Szeles, Code-Aware Combinatorial Interaction Testing, IET Software, 13(6), pp. 600-609, 2019.
Miroslav Bures, Bestoun S. Ahmed and Kamal Z. Zamli. "Prioritized Process Test: An Alternative to Current Process Testing Strategies". International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 29(07), pp. 997-1028, 2019.
Mahmoud, T. S., Ahmed, B. S., & Hassan, M. Y. (2019). The role of intelligent generation control algorithms in optimizing battery energy storage systems size in microgrids: A case study from Western Australia. Energy Conversion and Management, 196, 1335-1352.
Ahmed, B. S., Bures, M., Frajtak, K., & Cerny, T. (2019). Aspects of Quality in Internet of Things (IoT) Solutions: A Systematic Mapping Study. IEEE Access, 7, 13758-13780.
International conference papers
Ahmed, B. S., Pahim, A., Rosa, C. R., Kuhn, D. R., & Bures, M. (2019). Towards an Automated Unified Framework to Run Applications for Combinatorial Interaction Testing. Proceedings of the Evaluation and Assessment on Software Engineering (EASE '19), pp 252-258.
Bellekens, X., Jayasekara, G., Hindy, H., Bures, M., Brosset, D., Tachtatzis, C., & Atkinson, R. (2019). From Cyber-Security Deception To Manipulation and Gratification Through Gamification. Proceedings of HCI International 2019, LNCS, Springer.
Nasser A.B., Zamli K.Z., Ahmed B.S. (2019) Dynamic Solution Probability Acceptance Within the Flower Pollination Algorithm for Combinatorial t-Way Test Suite Generation. In: Intelligent and Interactive Computing. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 67., Springer.
Zamli K.Z., Din F., Ramli N., Ahmed B.S. (2019) Software Module Clustering Based on the Fuzzy Adaptive Teaching Learning Based Optimization Algorithm. In: Intelligent and Interactive Computing. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 67., Springer.
Selected publications - 2018
Impact journal papers
Miroslav Bures, Karel Frajtak and Bestoun S. Ahmed, "Tapir: Automation Support of Exploratory Testing Using Model Reconstruction of the System Under Test", IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 67(2), 2018, 557-580.
Bures, M., Filipsky, M., Jelinek I. Identification of Potential Reusable Subroutines in Recorded Automated Test Scripts. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 28(01), 2018, 3-36.
Zamli, K. Z., Din, F., Ahmed, B. S., Bures, M. . A hybrid Q-learning sine-cosine-based strategy for addressing the combinatorial test suite minimization problem. PloS one, 13(5), 2018, e0195675.
Almog, D., Chassidim, H. S., Tsubery, Y., Bures, M, Shlomo, M. Conceptual Approach for Reuse of Test Automation Artifacts on Various Architectural Levels. Computer Science and Information Systems, 15(2), 2018, 449–472.
Nasser, A. B., Zamli, K. Z., Alsewari, A. A. and Ahmed, B. S. Hybrid flower pollination algorithm strategies for t-way test suite generation. PloS one, 13(5), e0195187, 2018.
Min, H., Kim, T., Heo, J., Cerny, T., Sankaran, S., Ahmed, B. S., and Jung, J. Pattern Matching Based Sensor Identification Layer for an Android Platform. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2018.
Nasser, A. B., Zamli, K. Z., Alsewari, A. A. and Ahmed, B. S. An elitist-flower pollination-based strategy for constructing sequence and sequence-less t-way test suite. International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation, 12(2), 2018, pp.115-127.
Book chapter
Zamli, Kamal Z., Ahmed, Bestoun S., Mahmoud, Thair and Afzal, Wasif. "Fuzzy adaptive tuning of a particle swarm optimization algorithm for variable-strength combinatorial test suite generation". In Swarm Intelligence - Volume 3: Applications, Chap. 22, pp. 639-662, 2018.
International conference papers
Bures, M., Cerny, T., Ahmed, B. S. Internet of Things: Current Challenges in the Quality Assurance and Testing Methods. Information Science and Applications 2018, LNEE vol.514, Springer, 2018, pp.625-634.
Bestoun S. Ahmed and Miroslav Bures. "Testing of Smart TV Applications: Key Ingredients, Challenges and Proposed Solutions." Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2018, AISC vol.880, Springer, 2018, pp.241-256.
Bures, M., Bellekens, X., Frajtak, K., Ahmed, B. S. A Comprehensive View on Quality Characteristics of the IoT Solutions. EAI International Conference on IoT in Urban Space, pp. 59-69, Springer, 2018.
Selected publications - 2017
Impact journal papers
Bestoun S. Ahmed, Luca M. Gambardella, Wasif Afzal, and Kamal Z. Zamli, "Handling Constraints in Combinatorial Interaction Testing in the presence of Multi Objective Particle Swarm and Multithreading", Information and Software Technology, Vol (86), Pages 20-36, (2017), Elsevier.
Kamal Z. Zamli, Fakhrud Din, Graham Kendall, Bestoun S Ahmed, “An Experimental Study of Hyper-Heuristic Selection and Acceptance Mechanism for Combinatorial t-way Test Suite Generation”, Information Science, Vol (399), Pages 121-153, (2017), Elsevier.
Kamal Z. Zamli, Fakhrud Din, Salmi Baharom and Bestoun S Ahmed, “Fuzzy Adaptive Teaching Learning-based Optimization Strategy for the Problem of Generating Mixed Strength t-way Test Suites”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 59 (March), pp.35-50, 2017.
Karel Frajtak, Miroslav Bures and Ivan Jelinek. "Exploratory testing supported by automated reengineering of model of the system under test." Cluster Computing 20.1 (2017): 855-865.
Miroslav Bures, Tomas Cerny, Karel Frajtak and Bestoun S. Ahmed. "Testing the consistency of business data objects using extended static testing of CRUD matrices." Cluster Computing (2017).
Ahmed, B. S., Zamli, K. Z, Afzal, W., Bures, M. "Constrained Interaction Testing: A Systematic Literature Study." IEEE Access, 5, 2017, 25706-25730.
International conference papers
Miroslav Bures and Tomas Cerny. "Static Testing Using Different Types of CRUD Matrices." ICISA 2017, LNEE vol. 424, Springer
Miroslav Bures, Tomas Cerny and Matej Klima. "Prioritized Process Test: More Efficiency in Testing of Business Processes and Workflows." ICISA 2017, LNEE vol. 424, Springer
Miroslav Bures, Bestoun S. Ahmed. "On the Effectiveness of Combinatorial Interaction Testing: A Case Study." Proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (Companion Volume), IEEE, p. 70-76
Miroslav Bures. "Framework for Integration Testing of IoT Solutions." Accepted in The 2017 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI'17), track on Internet of Things & Internet of Everything (CSCI-ISOT)